lauantai 7. toukokuuta 2011

Post in english.

I thought I'd do a little post in english. :)
Since then I have really bad in English so that errors in the text will certainly find.

I have not dared to visit the weighing several days,I feared the weight to be increased.
But today I went and it looked like the numbers: 49.3

My heart leapt in my chest and I felt a moment succeeded in at least some.
I was very proud of myself, and went forward with the dog walk.
I will drop even more and more,
All this leaves.

Today was supposed to eat as little as possible
and all started well,
but today I ordered a pizza for food.
I too will be forced to eat. Yuck! >.<

                                                                Fat, Fat, High In Fat
I not want fatten!!!!!!!
I want to be skinny, beautiful.

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